A little about Choosing Magic!
I aimed to write a story about a fatherless girl, a broken heart and a mother with few answers only to realize God had other plans.This is indeed that story filled with angels and humanity along the way.

A little about me!
I’m an everyday gal with hopes and dreams like everyone else. I live my life with a glass half full and a downright obnoxious positive mindset, which often annoys people. 

I love being a mom to the most fascinating individual I’ve ever met, wife to a funny curmudgeon, daughter to a reticent mother, friend to many, and professional realtor with amazing clients in LaLa Land, where dreams come true! 

From a very young age I knew I had a story that needed to be told. It took time, tears, mistakes, laughter, failures, doubts and cheerleading to complete this book.  Bucket list checked!

I hope you enjoy this simple, humble and vulnerable story. Please know this - we all have the power to change our own lives. It’s within all of us to rise up and create our own story. It’s within all of us to be better and to choose wisely, to choose magic. 


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